Alesia Suntsova, Dr. sciences (economics), prof., an academician at the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.
2020 - incl. - Professor of Economic Cybernetics, DPU, Irpin, Ukraine July
2015 - August 2020. - Head of the Department of Economics of the
National Aviation University (from 06.04.2018 on leave to care for children
under 3 years) in 2018 the department was renamed the Department of Economics
and Business Technology September
2012 - June 2015. - Professor of Finance, Accounting, and Auditing, Institute of Economics
and Management, National Aviation University October
2011 - September 2012 - Professor of Finance and Banking, National
Academy of Management, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Professor,
Department of Finance and Banking, National Academy of Management February
2010 - October 2011 - Associate Professor of Management,
Interdisciplinary Institute of Management December
2007 - November 2009 - doctoral student of the Department of Finance October
2006 - September 2009 - Deputy Head of the Department of Finance for
Research February 2004 -
December 2009 National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine (renamed the
National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine), Associate Professor
of Public Finance (renamed the Department of Finance), Irpin: 2002-2004
of State Tax Service of Ukraine, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Public
Finance, Irpin 1999-2002
of State Tax Service of Ukraine, lecturer at the Department of Public
Finance, Irpin 1998-1999
Financial and Economic Institute, intern of the Department of Public Finance,
Irpin 1996-1998
Financial and Economic Institute, a trainee of the Department of Finance, Irpin |
1992-1995 Irpin Industrial
College, Irpin Faculty: Accounting and
Economics. Specialty: accounting and
auditing. Diploma of a junior specialist
with honors IE № 001132 1995-1998 Ukrainian Financial
and Economic Institute, Irpin Faculty: Accounting and
Economics. Qualification: accounting
and auditing. The direction of training:
economics and entrepreneurship Bachelor's degree KH №
10012781 1995-1998 Ukrainian Financial
and Economic Institute, Irpin Faculty: Financial and
Economic. Qualification: Finance The direction of training:
economics and entrepreneurship Bachelor's degree with
honors KH № 10515363 1998-1999 Ukrainian Financial
and Economic Institute, Irpin Faculty: Financial. Qualification: finance. The direction of training:
economics and entrepreneurship Diploma of a specialist with
honors KH № 10741398 2000-2003 Academy of State Tax
Service of Ukraine, Irpin Postgraduate studies without
part-time work (by correspondence) Specialty: 08.04.01 -
finance, money circulation, and credit. Diploma of Candidate of
Economic Sciences in the specialty of Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
DK 11021172 (decision of the Presidium of the High Attestation Commission of
Ukraine of December 10, 2003, Minutes № 8-06 / 10) 2006 Ministry of Education and
Science of Ukraine Awarded the academic title
of associate professor of finance, 2011 Diploma of Doctor of
Economics 2012 Diploma of Professor of
Finance and Banking 2012 Academy of Economic
Sciences of Ukraine: He is a full academician of the Academy of Economic
Sciences of Ukraine in the specialty "Industrial Economics"
(Election Decision of May 11, 2012 №766). |
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,
Business Economics, Finances, Accounting, Tax System, Data Mining, Big Data
and Data Mining, Banking System, “Economic Analysis”, “Econometrics”,
“Times-series”, “Introductory Econometrics”, “Econometrics Treatment Effect”,
“Statistics”, “Times series for economists”, “Mathematical methods in
economics”, “Applied econometrics in research”, “Intelligent business”, “Business
analytics”, “Business project and decision management”, “Macroeconomic
Regulation of Development", "Macroeconomic Analysis", "Microeconomic
Analysis", "Statistics", "Business Modeling", "Macroeconomics",
"Microeconomics", "Entrepreneurial Activity", "Business
Processes and Business Environment", "Business
Administration", "Public Administration", "Project
Management", "Investing", "Finance", "Local
Finance", "Tax System", "Business Economics", "Applied
Microeconomics", "Strategic
Management", “Financial Strategies for Corporate Development", “Global e-economics", “International
Economics", "Management (all types) ", “ Data Analysis” etc.
ACHIEVEMENTS: Laureate of the Prize of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the contribution of youth to state
building in the nomination "For scientific achievements" (Resolution
of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 60760 of June 16, 2004) He is a full academician of the
Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, majoring in "Industrial
Economics" (Election Decision of May 11, 2012 №766). She was awarded a diploma of the
National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the nomination
"Best Associate Professor of Finance" for conscientious performance
of duties, high achievements in professional activities, scientific training
of students, formation of a fully developed personality of a future
specialist in finance. She was awarded a diploma from the
National Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine for active participation
and success in the work of the student scientific society. She was awarded a diploma from the National
University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine for active participation in
the development of scientific work of the educational institution. She was awarded a diploma from the
National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine for an important contribution
to the organization of the decade of the Department of Finance of the
National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine. She was awarded a diploma from
Kharkiv National Economic University for the practical significance of the scientific
report. Diploma №4389 NAU
"Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" for contribution to the Kyiv-Mohyla
Brotherhood for the revival of the University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
(entered in the register "outstanding Mohyla"). She was/is the editor-in-chief
and a full member of the editorial boards of well-known and prestigious
scientific professional publications in the world: - "Creative Economy".
The magazine was registered on March 1, 2016 at the International Center for
Periodicals (ISSN International Center, Paris, ISSN 1993-6788). In July 2008,
the journal was registered for indexing in the Thomson Reuters information
and research catalogs (Thomson Reuters, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA
19104, USA) with annotations and to determine the world citation index. Since
October 2015, the journal has been submitted to the international catalog and
database SCOPUS (www.scopus.com). - "Problems of a systemic
approach in economics" The magazine was registered on March 1, 2016 at
the International Center for Periodicals (ISSN International Center, Paris,
ISSN 1993-6788). In July 2008, the journal was registered for indexing in the
Thomson Reuters information and research catalogs (Thomson Reuters, 3501
Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA) with annotations and to determine
the world citation index. The journal is submitted to the international
catalog and database SCOPUS (www.scopus.com). - IJEI member of the editorial
board, - Economic Bulletin, UDFSU. PUBLICATIONS: in
journals included in international scientometric databases of publications
(ISSN International Center, Thomson Reuters, and SCOPUS): 28 total in
journals included in international scientometric databases of publications of
Ukraine: 219 total Textbooks,
monographs: 8 total |
the scientific supervisor of GDR № 0112U008113 "Problems of effective
functioning and development of the market of transport services".
"Scientific and methodological support of business process management for business
development" (2018-2021, № state registration 0118U004685) - a member of
the creative team
"Development of a scientifically sound forecast of target indicators for
assessing the effectiveness of achieving the goals and objectives of the State
Strategy for Regional Development until 2020 and the action plan for its
implementation" (2016, № state registration 0116U008781) - a member of the
creative team. Customer - Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and
Housing and Communal Services;
“Problems of effective functioning of the transport services market”
(2015-2020) (№ state registration 0112U008113) - research supervisor;
"Strategic priorities of socio-economic development of Ukraine"
(2015-2016, № state registration 0114U005559) - a member of the creative team;
"Economic potential of Ukraine and ways of its effective use"
(2009-2014, № state registration 0109U007631) - a member of the creative team
"The impact of Ukraine's labor potential on increasing GDP and optimizing
the economic structure of the economy" (2001, state registration number
101U006479) - a member of the creative team. Customer - Ministry of Economy and
European Integration of Ukraine;
"Management of transformation processes in the national economy as a
factor of economic growth" 2011 (state registration number 0111U002233) -
a member of the creative team;
"Reforming the financial system of Ukraine in the context of European
integration processes" (state registration number 0109U006782) 2011 - a
member of the creative team;
"Financial factors of intensification of economic development" (state
registration number 0111U000331) 2011 - a member of the creative team;
"Model for determining the relationship between macroeconomic indicators
and social state standards, guarantees, key social indicators" (2007, №
state registration 0107U007679) - a member of the creative team
Full member
of the specialized scientific council D 26.062.02 for the defense of dissertations
for the degree of doctor (candidate) of economic sciences
• In the
period from 2011 to 2016 she was the Scientific Secretary of the Specialized
Academic Council D 26.889.01 for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Economic
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