A.Suntsova Definning the rate of country's economic growth on condition of tax reform

It was published a new article by A. Suntsova "Definning the rate of country's economic growth on condition of tax reform" (Actual problems of Ecomomics: scientific economic journal, #3(141), 2013. - PP. 193-198)
An attempt is carried out in the article to define theoretically the optimal tax rate for the maximum possible rate economic growth in a country. A model is constructed to determinate the tax rate and the  influence of its size upon the rate of economic growth (Ukrainian data). 
This article was published in acadimician journal, that is registered and indexed in following international catalogues and databases: Thomson Reuters Scientific, SciVerce Scopus, Index Copernicus, EBSCOhost, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.



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Suntsova O. SOME ASPECTS OF MODELLING IMPACT OF PPP’S ASSETS ON ECONOMIC GROWTH: CASE OF UKRAINE’S RESTORE PROGRAMMS / Conference: ХХ International Scientific Conference «Problems of management of enterprises in modern conditions»: Book of abstracts. – 17-18 April 2024. – K.: National University of Food Technologies, 2024. – P. 187-191. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11184601