
Показано дописи з міткою "financial development; economic growth; financial sector; finances"

A.Suntsova Ways to improve the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy

It was published new article by A.Suntsova "Ways to improve the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy". The article examines new instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economyas well as optimization of the already known in economic science instruments of regulation. The ways to imprive the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy are analyzed and sdudied. The concept of improving the mechanism of state regulation of the national economy development by budget component is offered. Full text is aviable in Scientific Economic Journal "Actual Problems of Economics" #6(132), P. 82-90.


А.А. Suntsova FINANCES AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: THEORETICAL ASPECTS The article carries out an attempt by means of the statistical analysis methods to ground or to disprove the statement mentioned previously in the scientific papers that the financial development causes the increase in the economic growth of a country. This is the first paper to prove using the results of the statistical data analysis for 75 countries with di erent level of economic development that the correlation between the financial development and the economic growth may have both positive and negative dependence. Full text see here: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Soc_Gum/APE/2009_6/49-55.pdf