
Показано дописи з міткою "financial instruments"

A.Suntsova Methodological grounds for effeciency evaluation of state regulation of national economy development

Has been published the new article by A.Suntsova "Methodological grounds for effeciency evaluation of state regulation of national economy development" (for full text see in journal "Actual problems of economics", #8, 2012, p. 139-146). The article considers the macroeconomic indicies of national economy development in Ukraine as well as the scientific and methodical approaches to the efficiency evaluation of the financial regulators within the socioeconomic processes; the macroeconomic stability of national economy is diagnosed along with the state of the financial for socioeconomic development of Ukraine. 

A.Suntsova Ways to improve the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy

It was published new article by A.Suntsova "Ways to improve the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy". The article examines new instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economyas well as optimization of the already known in economic science instruments of regulation. The ways to imprive the instruments of macroeconomic regulation of national economy are analyzed and sdudied. The concept of improving the mechanism of state regulation of the national economy development by budget component is offered. Full text is aviable in Scientific Economic Journal "Actual Problems of Economics" #6(132), P. 82-90.

Suntsova A.O. Methodological foundations of the macroeconomic regulation of national economy’s growth. – Manuscript

Suntsova A.O. Methodological foundations of the macroeconomic regulation of national economy’s growth. – Manuscript. Dissertation for the acquisition of the scientific degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.03 – Economics end management of national economy. - State Higher educational institution “The Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine”, Sumy, 2011. The thesis is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the macroeconomic regulation of national economy. In thesis was analyzed the methodology of macroeconomic adjustment, evaluated the effectiveness of financial regulators in the aftermath of the crisis and offered a number of methods to determine the effectiveness of macroeconomic controls. It contains the comparative analysis of leading domestic and foreign theories and concepts of levers of macroeconomic control of the national economy. It was defined the macroeconomic determinants of the regulation mechani...


У фаховому науковому журналі "Вісник Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського" опублікована стаття Сунцової О.О. ІНВЕСТИЦІЙНИЙ АСПЕКТ МАКРОЕКОНОМІЧНОГО РЕГУЛЮВАННЯ РОЗВИТКУ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ГОСПОДАРСТВА [1]. У статті досліджено сутність і значення інвестиційного аспекту макроекономічного регулювання розвитку національного господарства, подальшої регуляції економіки, лібералізацію ділової активності, забезпечення економічного піднесення держави. Запропоновано новий розгляд інвестиційного потенціалу та шляхи покращання інвестиційного клімату. Більш детально з даною статтею можна ознайомитись тут: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/soc_gum/Vdnuet/econ/2010_3/Suncova.pdf Посилання на автора обов'язкове: 1. Сунцова О.О. Інвестиційний аспект макроекономічного регулювання розвитку національного господарства / Сунцова Олеся Олександрівна // Науковий журнал: Вісник Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Мих...

Suntsova A.O. Some Methodological aspects of the macroeconomic regulation of national economy’s growth.

The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the macroeconomic regulation of national economy. In thesis was analyzed the methodology of macroeconomic adjustment, evaluated the effectiveness of financial regulators in the aftermath of the crisis and offered a number of methods to determine the effectiveness of macroeconomic controls. It contains the comparative analysis of leading domestic and foreign theories and concepts of levers of macroeconomic control of the national economy. It was defined the macroeconomic determinants of the regulation mechanism of national economy’s growth. It was given the retrospective analysis of the methodological foundations of macroeconomic regulation of the national economy and its financial support; it was systematized elements of different methodologies that can be adapted to the new post-crisis conditions of the global economy. It was proposed the concept and strategy of improving the macroeconomic re...