Показ дописів із міткою macroeconomic indicators of growth. Показати всі дописи
Показ дописів із міткою macroeconomic indicators of growth. Показати всі дописи

вівторок, 8 травня 2012 р.

A.О.Suntsova Сonterporary Methodologies for Studying the Macrofinancial Stability of National Economy

The article analyzes the efficiency of applying varios methodologies in studying the macrofinancial indices of a national economy's development. Theis positive and negative features are outlined, and author's own methodology is offered for integral estimation of a financial system as a regulator of macroeconomic development of national economy. Special attention is dedicated to developing a system of timely prevention of crisis states within it and estimation of potential financial risks.
Full article you may see in Scientific Economic Journal "Actual Problems of Economics", #4 (130), 2012, p. 148-161.