A.O. Suntsova Macroeconomic mechanism for regulation of national economy development: theorethical aspects

Was published the new thesis by A. Suntsova "Macroeconomic mechanism for regulationof national economy development: theorethical aspects".*
The article grounds that the fields in which the financial mechanism of the economic development activization is being formed are the tax system, the banking system, the financial sector, the household finances system, the legal support system and the financial system of foreign countries. Basing on this, the development of the theory of financial development is grounded from the theoretical viewpoint to explain the challenges that are present among its determinants as well as the means to provide activization of economic growth

*О.О.Сунцова Макроекономічний механізм регулювання розвитку національного господарства: деякі теоретичні аспекти // Сунцова Олеся Олександрівна / АПЕ, 2012. - №3. - С. 25-36.


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