
Показано дописи з міткою "financial development"


It was published a new article by  A. Suntsova " Financial methods in regulation of economic development of a country " ( Actual problems of Ecomomics: scientific economic journal, #2(140), 2013. - PP. 29-33 ) .  The article deals with new approaches to classification of types of financial methods in regulation of economic development of national economy for any country of the world. It is suggested to optimize the classification of financial methods for the national economy management. The concept is offered for improving the mechanism of state regulation of national economy development in the part of financial methods of its regulation. This article was published in acadimician journal, that is registered and indexed in following international catalogues and databases:  Thomson Reuters Scientific, SciVerce Scopus, Index Copernicus, EBSCOhost, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. Твитнуть          

A.O. Suntsova Macroeconomic mechanism for regulation of national economy development: theorethical aspects

Was published the new thesis by A. Suntsova "Macroeconomic mechanism for regulationof national economy development: theorethical aspects".* The article grounds that the fields in which the financial mechanism of the economic development activization is being formed are the tax system, the banking system, the financial sector, the household finances system, the legal support system and the financial system of foreign countries. Basing on this, the development of the theory of financial development is grounded from the theoretical viewpoint to explain the challenges that are present among its determinants as well as the means to provide activization of economic growth *О.О.Сунцова Макроекономічний механізм регулювання розвитку національного господарства: деякі теоретичні аспекти // Сунцова Олеся Олександрівна / АПЕ, 2012. - №3. - С. 25-36.

A.Suntsova Influence of financial development upon economic growth: theoretical determinition

The article grounds that the choice of a contract depends on the level of economic development in a particular country and its political regime. Basing on this, the article provides a theoretocal grounding for further development of the theory of "financial development", also explaining the internal challenges within its determinants and the quality of relation between financial development and economic growth

Suntsova A. Financial development' impact on economic growth: theoretical evidence

Was published a new article by Suntsova Alesia " Financial development' impact on economic growth: theoretical evidence". The equilibrium choice of contract depends on the state of the economy which, in turn, depends on the contracting regime. Based on this analysis, the paper provides a theory of the joint determination of real and financial development, with the ability to explain both the endogenous emergence of stock markets and the complementarity between debt finance and equity finance.