In the article, it is investigated that the state and nature of the influence of the environment are the most important factors that can promote or hinder the development of the enterprise and influence the effectiveness of the organization’s activities. The article analyzes the definition of “aggression”, and “aggressiveness” based on the theory of psychology. Taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprise’s activities and based on the methods of assessing the state of the environment, the concept “aggressive state of the enterprise environment” was proposed and formulated. In the article, a comparative analysis of the factors of the external environment of the enterprise in a stable and aggressive state is conducted. The dynamics of changes in the number of enterprises by the influence of the aggressive state of the environment in Ukraine are researched.
Keywords: aggressive state, external environment, diagnostics, aggression, factors of influence, preventive measures, aviation enterprise.
Сунцова О. О.
Економічний розвиток авіапідприємств в умовах агресивного стану зовнішнього середовища / О. О. Сунцова, В. Є. Командровська, І. І. Любезна // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія : Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство. - 2018. - Вип. 20(3). - С. 68-74. - Режим доступу:
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